Thursday, September 18, 2008

40 Year Old Virgin

I watched this movie and played it off as research as I needed to rewrite a script for Cinema Production in the form of a Judd Apatow comedy. I remember liking this movie during its initial run in theaters, and I liked it again upon second viewing. Watching it online was a pain as constant slowdowns and buffering interludes broke the pace.

I read the script while I was waiting for the internet to load, and the final product was much better. The script seemed to be written by a bunch of frat boys after an episode of drinking and other illicit substances. Then again, I suppose that's probably Apatow's method, considering the type of comedy he produces.

In the end, a thesis critique ran long (7.5 hours) and I never met with my group, so my inputs for the rewrite were never heard, effectively making my "research" a mere viewing of the film.

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