Monday, July 14, 2008

"I'm Sorry!"

Timur Bekmambetov, 2008

Really entertaining flick. Started out like a Fight Club/ Office Space amalgam with a really stupid cross-high-rise jump that made me worry about the rest of the movie. Luckily, it adopted a better visual style that made the outlandish things that happened believable enough. I can't stress that "enough" enough. In a movie where a car vaults over a line of police, lands on the side of a bus and drives away as the bus slams onto its side, you shouldn't expect anything to be truly believable.
In the end, the movie was really entertaining, but nothing life altering or poignant. However, there were rat bombs. What else do you need from a summer flick?

Image Courtesy of Yahoo.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

YESSS. Everyone has judged me for enjoying this movie. EVERYONE. But really, I thought it was the funniest thing ever. It's so ridiculous (looooom), bad ass, and engaging.

...I've seen it twice now. Once with Korean subtitles. :X